White Pearl Ball 2016

Economos proudly supports Sydney Neuro Oncology
The White Pearl Ball is a charity event for the Sydney Neuro Oncology Group (SNOG). http://www.snog.org.au/
The Sydney Neuro-Oncology Group is a charitable organisation, which aims to improve the management of brain tumours through targeted research, information sharing and constant scrutiny of treatment options.
Economos were proud to be one of the main sponsors of the White Pearl Ball for the second year in a row this year at the Westin Hotel Sydney.
The black tie ball on Saturday 5 November 2016 was the second annual event from SNOG and it is in aid of brain tumour research.
Economos Partners Adrian Byrne and Albert Lam (with wife Winnie) were joined by business directors James Meli and Leanne Tinyow (with her partner Richard), as well as senior staff Natasha Denisenko (with her partner Jonas) and Sebastian Olivares (with his wife Rachel).
A great night had by all.