Are you getting the right advice for Property Tax?
Property Tax
“Property investors depend on Economos for property tax advice that can help them make the most of their investment property.”
Looking for a Sydney property tax accountant that specialises in investment property? At Economos, our property tax specialists have the training and experience that can help both seasoned and first-time property investors make the most of their investment dollars. Our team can help you find ways to reduce your taxes legally through depreciation expenses, improvement expenses, and more. We’ll look at your property investment portfolio to create a custom strategy that will help you realise more cash flow on your current properties, pay fewer taxes, and find the money to fund more property purchases. We look out for you—structuring your portfolio to best protect your assets and produce more income.
Property Tax Services with Economos Accountants
Experienced Sydney property investors recommend Economos for property tax services and advice. With a wealth of experience providing property tax advisory services for its clients over the years, Economos can give even new property investors the confidence to choose the investment properties that will produce income over the years for them and their families. With the complex nature of property investing, property tax advisory services must take into consideration every detail to help their clients best leverage each investment dollar. Economos’ property tax accountants do just that, looking for potential tax deductions, helping clients structure their debt to provide funds for more investments, and calculating asset depreciation every year the client owns the property.
• Property Tax Advisory
• Tax Deductions
• Negative Gearing
• Asset Depreciation
• Debt Structure
If you have an investment property or are thinking about buying an investment property, you need a property tax advisory firm that can help you realise the most return for your investment. At Economos, we will help manage your property portfolio, assess properties to ensure they offer the best potential to maximise your investment income, and structure your portfolio to best protect your assets. Our property tax advice will include ways to claim all the tax deductions you are entitled to, whether they are improvement expenses, management expenses, or other expenses involved in maintaining the properties. Our strategies will boost your properties’ cash flow, bringing you in more money year after year that you can invest in other properties—or in your business. We’ll also help you structure your assets to best protect them in the most tax-effective ways. Since property investors need to take estate planning into consideration in their property tax strategy, Economos will help protect and preserve your property investment for the next generation.
Your Economos property tax advisor can also provide you with experienced advice on one of the fastest-growing property investment strategies, negative gearing. A strategy in which you borrow to purchase an investment property, negative gearing requires that the fees, interest, and other tax-deductible costs exceed the income the property brings in. This allows you to offset your losses against your income, giving you a tax benefit. This strategy’s long-term value depends on the property’s rise in value over the years, producing a capital gain. Another area in which you need experienced advice is in asset depreciation. With recent changes in the federal budget, you can no longer claim depreciation on removable (plant and equipment) fixtures already installed on your investment property. However, you can offset this change by paying less capital gains tax. The non-removable features, though, you can claim. Our experienced team of property tax advisors can help you sort through all these complexities to find a tax solution that works best for your situation. We also can help you with debt structure, a strategy in which you can structure your existing debts, using refinancing, consolidation, and other proven methods to finance additional property investments for your portfolio.
What Is a Property Tax Advisory Firm?
Property Tax Advisory Benefits
Why Should I Hire Economos as My Property Tax Advisor?
A property tax advisory firm helps businesses and individuals increase their profits and personal wealth by helping them to reduce their tax burden through strategic advice. Such advice includes finding ways to save on taxes through negative gearing, asset depreciation, and other tax law provisions, as well as helping clients select the properties that will bring them more income yet incur fewer taxes. A property tax advisor should also help you manage risk by pointing out all the pros and cons of each investment choice and tax strategy, helping you choose the best ones for your situation. If your real estate investment is part of a larger corporate investment strategy, your property tax advisor will help coordinate your property investment with your business’s other investments to arrive at a tax strategy that will bring the most benefit to your company.
No one should face the complex property tax landscape alone. It takes a specially trained tax advisor to do the research on all the factors that affect your buying decisions. A property tax advisor can structure your investment strategy to minimise your tax obligation legally, find ways to restructure your debt so you can invest in more properties, and look into ways to protect your assets to produce retirement income and to pass on to the next generation.
With a broad range of experience in both property and other taxes, the property tax accountants at Economos can provide you with the strategies you need to grow and to protect your wealth. Finding ways to minimise your tax burden through a custom strategy developed out of careful research, knowledge and experience, we can help you reduce both operating costs and taxes on your property investments. As a full business services and accounting provider, Economos will take your entire financial picture into consideration, looking for ways to build your wealth, provide for your retirement, and preserve your wealth for future generations.