NSW Government: Small Business and Payroll Tax Support

Small Business and Payroll Tax Support
The NSW government is supporting businesses who are experiencing financial distress as a result of COVID-19 with a new support measures. The table below outlines the various packages available depending on your circumstances. For the Small Business Support Grant evidence may be required to support your eligibility including BAS information and a letter from an accountant. For payroll tax the deferral arrangements are still being completed however we will advise you when the details are released. We ask that you prepare supporting document in preparation and as always or partners and managers are ready to assist.
Small Business Support Grant
The NSW small business COVID-19 support grant of up to $10,000 is available to eligible NSW small business owners.
Available Funding – Grant amount is up to $10,000
Eligible Criteria:
- Must have between 1-19 employees and an annual turnover of more than $75,000
- Must have total Australian wages below the NSW Government 2019-20 payroll tax threshold of $900,000
- Must have an Australian Business Number as at 1 March 2020, are based in NSW and employ staff as at 1 March 2020
- Are highly impacted by the Public Health (Covid-19 Restrictions on Gathering and Movement) (see list on further reading link below) by the NSW Government Shutdown Restrictions defined as a decline in turnover of 75 per cent compared to the equivalent period (of at least two weeks) in 2019; and
- Have unavoidable business costs not otherwise the subject of other NSW and Commonwealth Government financial assistance measures. Such as utilities, overheads, legal costs and financial advice, more examples can be found in further reading link below.
Assistance Delivery Method – $10,000 Cash Grant
How funding may be used – Grant must only be spent on unavoidable business expenses for which no other government support is available.
Evidence in support of eligibility
- Must certify to the administrating agency that business meets the Eligibility criteria
- Must provide a Business Activity Statement (BAS) to demonstrate that the business has an annual turnover of $75,000
- Must lodge supporting documents as may be required to demonstrate that they meet the eligibility criteria
- For small businesses that are not on the list of highly impacted industries, a letter from an accountant confirming the decline in turnover will be required
Additional information can be found on the Service NSW website.
Payroll tax relief for businesses with grouped Australian wages of no more than $10 million
Businesses whose total grouped Australian wages for the 2019/20 financial year are no more than $10 million will have their annual tax liability reduced by 25% when they lodge their annual reconciliation, which is due on 28 July. For businesses who lodge and pay monthly and whose total Australian wages will be no more than $10 million for the current financial year, no payment for the months of March, April or May 2020 will be required. Businesses will also have the option of deferring these payments for an additional three months. When lodging your annual reconciliation, you will still need to provide wage details paid in these months and will receive the benefit of a 25% reduction in the amount of tax you would have had to pay for 2019-20.
NSW Payroll Tax Relief
Available Funding – Annual tax liability reduced by 25%
Eligible Criteria
- Total grouped Australian wages of no more than $10 million
- Be paying NSW Payroll Tax
Assistance Delivery Method
- Businesses who lodge and pay monthly, no payment for the months of March, April or May 2020 will be required
- Businesses will also have the option of deferring these payments for an additional three months
- When lodging your annual reconciliation, businesses still need to provide wage details paid in these months and will receive the benefit of a 25% reduction in the amount of tax you would have had to pay for 2019-20
How funding may be used – To reduce 2019/2020 Payroll tax liability
Evidence in support of eligibility – 2019/2020 Payroll Tax Reconciliation
Additional information can be found on the Revenue NSW website.
Payroll tax deferral arrangements for businesses with total grouped Australian wages over $10 million
Businesses whose total grouped Australian wages for the 2019/20 financial year are over $10 million, will have the option of deferring the payment of payroll tax for up to six months. These businesses will not need to make their payment for the March period, normally due on 7 April 2020.
NSW Payroll Tax Deferral
Available Funding – Option of deferring the payment of payroll tax for up to six months
Eligible Criteria
- Total grouped Australian wages over $10 million
- Be paying NSW Payroll Tax
Assistance Delivery Method
- Businesses have the option of deferring the payment of payroll tax for up to six months
- Businesses will not need to make their payment for the March period, normally due on 7 April 2020.
How funding may be used – To defer 2019/2020 Payroll tax liability
Evidence in support of eligibility – 2019/2020 Payroll Tax Reconciliation
Further information – Payroll Tax Deferral
More information regarding the deferral arrangement will be released in the upcoming days.
Please review the information provided in the Government links provided above. If you have any questions, please contact your Partner or Manager.