Category Archives: Advisory

Super Reforms passed

The 2016-17 Federal Budget proposed major super reforms have been passed by both houses of Parliament.

Once they receive Royal Assent the major changes include from 1 July 2017:

  • $1.6 million balance transfer cap
  • Div293 tax income threshold reduced to $250,000
  • Concessional contribution cap reduced to $25,000
  • Non-concessional contribution cap to be $100,000
  • Removal of the 10% rule for deductible personal concessional contributions

Now we have some certainty, its time to start planning. If you are a current, or even a potential client call me for planning opportunities.

Detailed analysis to come

Mortgage Market Update

In this update I am focusing on updates to our small business offering.

The relevance of this was highlighted last week in a  client meeting I attended, where the client is paying in the order of 1% over the going rate on  a facility of around $1m.

The client is currently paying 5.75% approx.

The banks tend to be a little coy when talking business rates, however rates around 5% are achievable, possibly even lower depending on the value of the client, size of the facility etc.

Most of the  banks are competing aggressively with each other for new business (existing customers are strangely forgotten)  and  current offers allow for most clients to refinance at very competitive rates.

Banks acknowledge there are administrative costs involved in a re-finance,  so some are also offering a  financial reimbursement for related costs, such as valuation fees, legal fees etc. This is typically dependent on the loan/facility size.

How can we help?

For anyone who has small business clients or has friends or family involved in small business, there is an excellent opportunity for Economos to work with those people  and develop an effective debt management strategy. We are committed to helping clients across a range of ‘value add’ financial services, contributing further to the trusted adviser relationship we share with many.

Our position in the market allows us to work with a wide range of commercial business lenders, providing outcomes aligned to the financial objectives of the individual client.  Commercial & business finance does not get marketed or advertised as widely as home loans so in many cases clients have very little idea as to what’s achievable.

Given many clients are now getting their 2016 returns completed this is an opportunity to discuss your financing arrangements with your accountant and myself about current arrangements.

Products and services we can offer include:-

 Commercial property lending

  • Working capital
  • Development finance
  • Trade finance
  • Debtor finance
  • Asset finance (equipment and vehicles)
  • Business transaction accounts
  • Merchant facilities

Home Loans

After last month’s interest rate easing, fully optioned  home loans are available from rates as low as 3.54% and investment loans around 3.99%.  Not all applicants necessarily qualify for this offer, however, it is certainly a prompt for those with  home or investment loans with an interest rate of 4% – 5% to discuss their situation with us.

Tax 2016 – Take Care with Deductions

Tax Time 2016: take care with work and rental property claims

The ATO encourages people to check which work and rental property-related expenses they are entitled to claim this tax time, and to understand what records they need to keep.

Assistant Commissioner Graham Whyte has reminded taxpayers that there has been a change in the rules for calculating car expenses this year, and people need to use a logbook or the cents-per-kilometre method to support their claims.

“It’s important to remember that you can only claim a deduction for work-related car expenses if you use your own car in the course of performing your job as an employee”, Mr Whyte said.

The ATO will pay extra attention to people whose deduction claims are higher than expected, in particular those claiming car expenses (including for transporting bulky tools), and deductions for travel; internet and mobile phones; and self-education. Mr Whyte also noted that “the ATO will take a closer look at any unusual deductions and contact employers to validate these claims”.

The ATO also encourages rental property owners to better understand their obligations and get their claims right. Mr Whyte said the ATO would pay close attention to excessive interest expense claims and incorrect apportionment of rental income and expenses between owners. “We are also looking at holiday homes that are not genuinely available for rent and incorrect claims for newly purchased rental properties”, Mr Whyte said.

TIP: The ATO says advances in technology and data-matching have enhanced its ability to cross-check the legitimacy of various claims.

The ATO also reminds people engaged in the share economy (eg ride-sourcing) to include income and deductions from those enterprises in their tax returns.

TIP: Ride-sourcing drivers are likely to be carrying on a business and be eligible for deductions and concessions in their tax returns. This could include depreciation deductions and GST input credits.

Kiwi investing or expanding into Australia?


This helicopter guide to inbound Australian tax issues for New Zealand resident individuals and entities is meant to operate as a spring-board for high-level structuring discussions by NZ advisers.

The purpose of this guide is to enable readers to quickly identify the various issues raised by the different structuring options before seeking specific advice (preferably ours!) on the most suitable structuring option for your clients.

This guide is separated into five parts.

Part I highlights the tax issues for NZ-resident investors investing in Australian real property, shares and unit trusts.

Part II outlines the tax issues for NZ-resident employees seconded to Australia.

Part III details the tax issues for NZ-resident entities expanding into Australia (whether by way of branch or subsidiary).

Part IV outlines the basics of Australia’s GST.

Part V highlights Australia’s CGT withholding tax.



Although still a small market by global standards, Australia’s proximity to NZ and the close ties between the two countries means NZ residents often invest in Australian real property, shares and unit trusts.

Under Australian domestic tax law, the starting point is that Australia taxes foreign-residents on their capital gains from Australian sources.[1]

Australia’s CGT rules operate such that a capital gain or loss is triggered where a CGT event arises.

The most common CGT event is CGT A1 – disposal of a CGT asset.[2]

Where, amongst other things, individuals or trusts (but not companies) hold a CGT asset for at least 12 months prior to disposal, the 50% CGT discount will apply so as to halve the gross capital gain before being included in the taxpayer’s assessable income.[3]

Special rules for foreign-resident investors

The general rules above are subject to a specific statutory exception that operates to limit the taxation of foreign residents on Australian source capital gains to those in relation to a limited class of assets, known as ‘taxable Australian property’ (“TAP”).[4]

That is, a capital gain or loss is disregarded if you are a foreign resident, or the trustee of a foreign trust just before the CGT event (e.g. disposal) and the relevant asset was not TAP.

Relevantly, TAP means:[5]

  • taxable Australian real property;
  • an indirect Australian real property interest;
  • a CGT asset used in carrying on a business through a permanent establishment in Australia;
  • an option or right to acquire a CGT asset over any of the above; and
  • a CGT asset subject to an exit election (that is, where a previously Australian-resident individual chose to defer Australian exit tax by electing to pay tax on actual disposal).

Based on the above, where, for example, an NZ resident invests in Australian real property, they will always be subject to CGT in Australia on any capital gain.

However, in relation to the disposal of shares in an Australian company or units in an Australian unit trust, NZ residents will not be subject to CGT in Australia unless those interests qualify as ‘indirect Australian real property interests’ which, amongst other things, requires:[6]

  1. the NZ resident (together with associates) to hold at least 10% of the Australian company or trust; and
  2. the Australian company or trust to pass the ‘principal asset test’,[7] that is, the market value of the entity’s taxable Australian real property assets exceeds the market value of the entity’s non-taxable Australian real property assets (essentially, the company or trust is ‘land-rich’).

Foreign-residents no longer entitled to the 50% CGT discount

As outlined above, where the relevant conditions are met by an eligible taxpayer (individual or trust), the 50% CGT discount applies to reduce the gross capital gain by half before being included in assessable income.

However, from 8 May 2012, foreign-residents are not entitled to the 50% CGT discount, meaning that they will pay tax on the gross capital gain at non-resident rates (currently up to 45%).

For those NZ residents that held Australian TAP assets as at 8 May 2012, special transitional rules apply and specific advice should be sought in this regard in calculating any capital gain or loss in the future.

For those NZ residents that acquired Australian TAP assets after 8 May 2012, they are not eligible for the 50% CGT discount regardless of how long the asset is held.



Under Australian domestic tax law, the starting point is that foreign-resident are taxed on their ordinary income (including salary and wages income) from Australian sources.[8]

Application of the Australia/NZ Double Tax Agreement

The domestic Australian tax position above is reflected in the default position under the Australia/NZ Double Tax Agreement (“DTA”),[9] that is, an NZ-resident is only taxed on employment income in NZ unless the employment is performed in Australia.

However, the default position is subject to an overriding provision such that an NZ resident deriving income from employment exercised in Australia is only taxed in NZ if:[10]

  • the NZ individual is present in Australia for a period or periods not exceeding in the aggregate 183 days in any 12 month period commencing or ending in the Australian income year; and
  • the remuneration is paid by, or on behalf of, an employer who is not a resident of Australia, or is borne by or deductible in determining the profits attributable to a permanent establishment which the employer has in NZ; and
  • the remuneration is neither borne by nor deductible in determining the profits attributable to a permanent establishment which the employer has in Australia.

If these conditions are satisfied, the NZ-resident employee is only taxed in NZ.

Further, even if these conditions cannot be satisfied, remuneration derived by an NZ-resident individual in respect of a secondment to Australia is only taxable in NZ where the individual is present in Australia for a period or periods not exceeding in the aggregate 90 days in any 12 month period.[11]



Most NZ practitioners would be broadly familiar with the structuring options in relation to expanding into Australia (or elsewhere for that matter), that is, branch versus subsidiary.

Again, under Australian domestic tax law, a foreign-resident is taxed in Australia on all Australian-source income.[12]

However, under the DTA, the Australian-source business profits of an NZ-resident are not taxed in Australia unless the NZ-resident has a permanent establishment in Australia.[13]

What is a permanent establishment?

A permanent establishment is a fixed place of business in Australia.

Specific advice should be sought as to whether your operations will trigger a permanent establishment in Australia as the concept relies on the particular facts of each individual case and therefore, although similar cases may provide guidance, different facts may prove decisive in a particular case.

The Australian Taxation Office takes an expansive view as to what triggers a permanent establishment in Australia and has ruled that an NZ company had a permanent establishment in Australia where:[14]

  • it sold products to 3rd parties in Australia;
  • sales orders were taken by two Australian-based employees who emailed orders to NZ;
  • the employees were the Australian contacts of the company;
  • the employees were provided with a car and office machinery;
  • the employees operated out of a designated room in their own houses;
  • the company had an Australian bank account; and
  • the products were sent directly from New Zealand to Australian customers or via a 3rd party warehousing intermediary.

Based on the above, an individual employees’ home (or even, a single room of their home) may trigger a permanent establishment in Australia.

Branch versus subsidiary (tax issues)

Assuming that the NZ-resident’s Australian operations would give rise to a permanent establishment in Australia, we note that:

  1. in relation to an Australian branch:
    1. the profits of the branch will be taxed in Australia at the relevant rate (e.g. NZ-resident companies will be taxed at 30% and NZ-resident individuals at their marginal tax rate up to 45%);
    2. Australia does not have branch profits remission tax in moving the profits to NZ;
    3. the assets of an Australian permanent establishment are TAP assets and therefore, the NZ-resident will be subject to CGT in Australia if the Australian branch was sold in the future;
  2. in relation to an Australian subsidiary:
    1. it will be taxed on its worldwide income at 30%;
    2. in relation to dividends paid up to the NZ-resident shareholder(s):
      1. no dividend withholding tax will apply to the extent that the dividend is fully franked;
      2. dividend withholding tax of between 0% and 15% will apply under the DTA to the extent that the dividend is un-franked;
    3. the shares in the Australian subsidiary (unless it is ‘land-rich’ with Australian real property) are not TAP and therefore, the NZ-resident entity will not be subject to Australian CGT if the Australian operations are sold in the future by way of share sale (disposal by way of the sale of underlying assets by the Australian subsidiary will be taxed at 30% in the ordinary course giving rise to the taxation of dividends as outlined above).

Choice of structure of foreign tax credits/offsets

Cross border business activities often gives rise to multiple layers of taxation and the inability to claim foreign tax credits so as to push up the effective tax rate on foreign-source profits. However, some business structures facilitate the claiming of full foreign tax credits (up to the maximum tax liability in the home country) such that taxpayers pay no more than the maximum domestic tax rate in their home country.

Understanding the various structuring options available and how they are ultimately taxed in Australia, New Zealand and under the DTA is the key to making a fully informed decision and preventing any nasty surprises. In this regard, structuring options include:

  1. a New Zealand company with an Australian branch (and in turn, whether or not it gives rise to an Australian permanent establishment);
  1. an Australian subsidiary of a New Zealand parent company;
  1. a New Zealand limited partnership operating in Australia (whether or not an Australian permanent establishment arises); and
  1. a New Zealand Look-Through Company operating in Australia (whether or not an Australian permanent establishment arises).


Australia levies GST on ‘taxable supplies’[15] and ‘taxable importations’[16].

The rate of GST is (currently) 10%.[17]

The registration turnover threshold (above which you are required to be registered) is AUD$75,000, although you may be voluntarily registered if you are under this turnover figure.[18]

There are various supplies that are not subject to GST, that is:

  1. GST-free supplies (such as certain foods, health and education services and supplies of going concerns[19] – similar to zero-rated supplies in NZ; and
  1. input taxed supplies (such as financial supplies, residential rent supplies and residential premises themselves [unless ‘new residential premises][20] – similar to exempt supplies in NZ.

Where an enterprise makes a ‘creditable acquisition’ or ‘creditable importation’, they are entitled to claim the relevant input tax credits.

Broadly, a creditable acquisition is an acquisition (or expense incurred) that had a GST component within it and was incurred in order for you to make taxable supplies or GST-free supplies (but not input taxed supplies – input tax credits are not available in this regard).

You make a creditable importation if goods are imported and they are entered for home consumption (unless specifically non-taxable).

From a cash flow perspective, NZ businesses importing into Australia should consider the ‘deferred GST’ regime, whereby instead of paying GST only to claim it back at the end of the relevant tax period, the liability is deferred and nets off against the refund at the end of the tax period.


From 1 July 2016, and in similar circumstances to the NZ CGT withholding regime for properties held for less than 2 years, Australia imposes a 10% withholding tax on the purchase price of Australian real property over AUD$2m.

Even if you are caught by the CGT withholding regime, it is possible, in circumstances where there is insufficient equity in the property or the ultimate CGT liability on the property will be less than the 10% withholding amount, to apply to the ATO for a withholding variation (including to nil) as soon as possible after exchanging contracts so as to ensure that the relevant approvals are granted prior to settlement.


Economos has significant experience and expertise in assisting foreign investors and business invest or expand into Australia.

This requires an in-depth knowledge of Australian domestic tax laws and the operation of the DTA.

We provide commercially-focussed, complex international tax advice in a simple, easy-to-understand manner so as to enable your clients to make fully-informed decisions and avoid nasty surprises.

Our tax advisory services form a critical part of our broader service offering, including:

  1. tax compliance (income tax, GST, fringe benefits tax, payroll tax etc);
  1. financial reporting; and
  1. audit.

*   *   *   *   *

[1] Subsection 6-10(5) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (“ITAA 1997”)

[2] Section 104-10 of the ITAA 1997

[3] See Subdivision 115-A of the ITAA 1997

[4] See Division 855 of the ITAA 1997

[5] Section 855-15 of the ITAA 1997

[6] Section 855-25 of the ITAA 1997

[7] Section 855-30 of the ITAA 1997

[8] Subsection 6-5(3) of the ITAA 1997

[9] Article 14(1) of the DTA

[10] Article 14(2) of the DTA

[11] Article 14(4) of the DTA

[12] Note 8

[13] See Articles 7 (Business Profits) and 5 (Permanent Establishment) of the DTA

[14] See ATOID 2005/289 (available at

[15] Subsection 7-1(1) and section 9-5 of the A New Tax System (Goods and Services) Tax Act 1999 (“GST Act”)

[16] Subsection 7-1(1) and section 13-5 of the GST Act

[17] Section 9-70 of the GST Act

[18] Section 23-15 of the GST Act and reg 23.15.01 of the A New Tax System (Goods and Services) Regulations 1999 (“GST Regs”)

[19] See Division 38 of the GST Act

[20] See Division 40 of the GST Act

Small Business Tax Debt on the Rise

The old saying there are two certainties in life: death and taxes.

The second part of that equation is looking less certain, with small businesses owing about $12.45 billion in tax.

A July 2015 report from the inspector-general of taxation, Ali Naroozi, has found that the amount of money owing to the Australian Federal Government is rising fast, despite revealing a large number of complaints about aggressive debt collection practices.

ATO data shows collectable tax debt hit $20 billion in 2013-14, of which approximately 60% is owed by small businesses.

It is the smallest of small businesses that accounts for the lion’s share of the debt, with “micro businesses” that have turnover under $500,000 making up three-quarters of the small business debts.

One of the biggest mistakes a small business owner can make is to think they can tough out their cash flow problems and keep the ATO in the dark.

So what should you do if you have an ATO debt that you can’t repay?

  • Plan ahead – prepare a detailed and accurate cash flow budget that shows on a monthly basis where the cash flow in is coming from and where it will be spent, including how you will repay the current tax debt and pay future tax obligations
  • Don’t do a runner – If you are unable to pay your tax debt, contact your tax agent before the payment deadline so that a payment arrangement can be organised.
  • Keep your lodgements up to date – even if you are unable to make payment. There is a direct correlation between people who don’t lodge forms and the difficulty the ATO has in recovering these debts. The ATO will be more open to putting a payment arrangement in place if you are maintaining your lodgement obligations.
  • Seek advice – keep your business’s financial situation front of mind and seek help from your accountant

Home Office Expenses

We often get asked about obtaining a tax deduction for using your home as an office.

You can only claim occupancy expenses: (such as rates, mortgage interest, rent and insurance) where your home office is considered to be a place of business.

If, however – and this is where the bulk of taxpayers queries come from- your employer has
an office in the city where you reside, your home office will not be a place of business, even
if your work requires you to work outside normal business hours.

See Taxation Ruling TR 93/30External Link – Income tax: deductions for home office expenses for more information.

You can however claim the additional running expenses for your home office by

  • apportioning the actual costs incurred or
  • using a fixed rate of 45 cents an hour.

You need to keep a record of the time spent in your home office on employment activities. The record should cover a representative period and a reasonable time (generally four weeks). This was previously set at 34c an hour, but has now been changed to 45c an hour.

See the ATO practice statement here PS LA 2001/6External Link – Home office expenses; diaries of use and calculation of home office expenses for more information.

Example from PSLA 2001/6

George is an outstanding employee accountant working for a city-based firm that expects him to complete a specified amount of work each day. In order to achieve this, George has elected to take some of his work home at night so that he can spend more time with his family. George spends an average of two hours per night Monday to Friday working in his home office.

George has two options for calculating his running expenses, both of which require him to keep a log to apportion between income producing activities and private/domestic use. George decides to use the standard rate of 45 cents per hour instead of using electricity authority hourly costs per appliance and calculating decline in value for items of plant. This is a simpler and quicker calculation for his expenses.

Item: Running Expenses

Calculation: 45c per hour for ten hours per week for 48 weeks

Deduction Amount – This year: $216.00

Deduction Amount – Future Years (assuming similar use): $216.00